
What is Happiness

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Happiness and Sorrow are the Feelings and Emotions of the mind

There are two types of Feelings / Emotions of Mind

1. Positive Emotions

2. Negative Emotions

01. Positive Emotions of the mind

01. Happiness

02. Peace

03. Love

04. Bliss

05. Knowledge

06. Power

07. Purity

30. Other Positive Emotions of Mind


  02. Negative Emotions of the Mind

01. Sorrow

02. Stress

03. Tension

04. Anger

05. Worry - Anxiety

06. Fear

07. Depression

08. Frustration

09. Loneliness

10. Excuses

11. Guilty Feeling

12. Hurt

13. Insecurity

14. Libido

15. Attachment

16. Greed

17. Ego

18. Negativity

19. Sensitive Nature

20. Procrastination

21. Different Types of Disorders

22. Different Types of Phobias

30. Other Negative Emotions of Mind





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